Anti-Elizabeth Warren super PAC aims to ‘Deal Her Out’

There’s a new super PAC on the scene and it’s already got its eyes set on the 2020 race — specifically making sure Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren never makes it there.

The “Deal Her Out” PAC, launched by two politically involved Massachusetts Republicans, aims to raise money highlighting Warren’s record as senator to keep her from winning re-election in 2018 and ultimately keep her from winning if she chooses to run for President in 2020.

“We do need to look at Elizabeth Warren in 2018. Historically, my belief is we haven’t had a US senator who was defeated and then run for president,” Marty Lamb, co-president of Deal Her Out, said about the group’s strategy.

Lamb, who has formerly run against Massachussetts Rep. Jim McGovern and run for state representative — losing both times — currently sits on the Republican state committee. He launched the super PAC with friend Bonnie Thompson, a former Republican state committeewoman who was Massachusetts field director for Donald Trump during the campaign and previously regional director for Scott Brown’s, Women for Brown coalition when he ran against Warren in 2012.

Deal Her Out PAC was created partly to support one of Warren’s likely 2018 challengers: Geoff Diehl, who is currently a state representative and is planning to run against her. Both Thompson and Lamb are friends with Diehl and are supportive of his challenge to Warren.

The name of the PAC is notable for its two-fold meaning. Deal sounds very much like Diehl, and it’s a not-so-subtle nod at the phrase oft-used by Hillary Clinton during her campaign run, where she frequently told crowds to “deal me in” in response to criticism from Trump that she was playing “the woman’s card.”

“Elizabeth Warren, If you look at her track record, she’s AWOL from Masschusetts,” Lamb said. “She votes against the state’s interest, like the 21st century CURES act. The entire Massachusetts delegation voted for it, Warren voted against it. I think she’s grandstanding with her New York elitists to position herself for 2020, as a spokesperson for the extreme left and she’s out of touch with the people of Massachusetts — we are a fairly moderate state.”

“When I look at Elizabeth Warren I see somebody who is a whiner and a blamer,” said Thompson. “I don’t see her as somebody who solves problems. The only thing she wants from us is a vote.”

The fundraising emails sent from the group are even more blunt.

“You’re a lying, self-serving liberal phony who is totally unqualified to serve the American people … It’s our patriotic duty to tear her down until there is nothing left,” one reads.

A Warren spokeswoman countered that Warren has spent much time in the state — pointing to six town halls the senator has held in 2017 so far, including two book events she held in April and her time spent at the Massachusetts Democratic Convention in June.

“Massachusetts Republicans will decide among themselves at their convention and then in a primary who will run for US Senate. But it’s no surprise that out-of-state billionaires — through various dark money groups — will attempt to buy the election for them,” Kristen Orthman said. “Senator Warren is focused on doing her job for the people of Massachusetts, like fighting against Republican attempts to rip health care away from 22 million Americans. And she’s calling for another People’s Pledge as one way to prevent the super rich influence in our electoral system.”

The group has set a fundraising goal of $10 million between now and election day next year, which it will use mostly towards advertising against Warren on TV, radio and digital.

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