Trump ushers in ‘golden era of American energy’

President Donald Trump delivered a Thursday afternoon speech promoting the White House’s “Energy Week” on a day largely overshadowed by a series of disparaging tweets aimed at MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.

Trump said his administration will seek “American energy dominance,” calling for domestic energy development and loosening of Obama-era regulations.

“We have nearly 100 years worth of natural gas and more than 250 years worth of clean, beautiful coal. We are a top producer of petroleum and the number one producer of natural gas. We have so much more than we ever thought possible. We are really in the driving seat, and you know what? We don’t want to let other countries take away our sovereignty,” he said at the “Unleashing American Energy Summit” at the Department of Energy. “This vast energy wealth does not belong to the government. It belongs to the people of the United States of America.”

The President cited the Keystone XL Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline as administration achievements, adding that he will reduce restrictions on the development of natural gas and canceled the moratorium on a coal leasing on federal lands.

He also noted his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords, saying “maybe we’ll be back into it some day, but it will be on better terms.”

Trump announced six new administrative initiatives in his remarks, including the approval of construction of a new petroleum pipeline to Mexico, which he said would “go right under the wall,” and an agreement to begin negotiations for the sale of more American natural gas to South Korea, which he said he would discuss with South Korean leaders at the White House Thursday.

Surrounded by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and Vice President Mike Pence, Trump spoke to an audience of administration officials, lawmakers, energy industry executives and labor union leaders and employees about his administration’s energy policy.

“The golden era of American energy is now underway,” he said. “And I’ll go a step further: the golden era of America is now underway, believe me.”

He also pointed to two immigration policy votes on the House floor Thursday, “Kate’s Law” and the “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,” legislation he said he would give “the fastest signature that you have ever seen.”

Trump said his first order of business upon return to the White House would be to ask about the votes.

“I expect good things. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be talking about it right now, to be honest with you,” he said. “I don’t like losing.”

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