Navarro: Trump embarrassing, shameful, disgusting

Republican strategist and CNN commentator Ana Navarro has slammed President Donald Trump over his tweets attacking “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brezezinski.

“When I first saw the tweet I was frankly disgusted” Navarro told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.

Trump’s tweets said that “Morning Joe” is “poorly rated” and that the hosts “speak badly of me.”

Trump claimed that Brzezinski and co-host Joe Scarborough courted him for an interview at Mar-a-Lago around the New Year’s Eve holiday.

“She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!” the President tweeted.

“I thought, this dude has such a fixation with women and blood, what is wrong with him?, Navarro said.

Republicans ‘enabling’ Trump

“Then you remember that this dude, this disgusting dude is the President of the United States and you realize just how much he is diminishing the presidency of the United States … he is embarrassing. He is shameful. He is disgusting.”

Navarro also criticized her fellow Republicans for tolerating the President’s behavior. “I’m really tired of hearing words like disappointed, disturbed, like I’m bothered, like I wish he wouldn’t do it,” she said.

The White House said Thursday that Trump was responding to liberal bullying when he tweeted about the MSNBC host.

Navarrro said Republicans, Trump’s staff and even his family are “enabling him” by not calling him out on his behavior.

She urged them to “confront this and confront this hard or it will never stop and it will embarrass all of us. It will take the presidency low, low, low.”

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