Trump celebrates a watered-down victory for ‘watered down’ travel ban

President Donald Trump declared victory Monday after the Supreme Court announced that it would allow a limited version of his travel ban to take effect and will hear oral arguments on the case this fall, even though has derided the revised order as “watered down” and “politically correct” in the past.

In a statement released by the White House, Trump hailed the decision as “a clear victory for national security.”

“As President, I cannot allow people into our country who want to do us harm,” Trump said. “I want people who can love the United States and all of its citizens, and who will be hardworking and productive.”

“Today’s unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security.”

But how much of a victory is it really for the President?

On June 5, Trump said the Justice Department should seek a “much tougher version” of the “watered down, politically correct version” that was submitted to the Supreme Court.

And since only a portion of the ban will go into effect — limiting people from six majority-Muslim countries with no US connection from entering the US — it’s essentially a watered-down victory for his “watered down” travel ban.

But for Trump, there hasn’t necessarily been much to celebrate of late. The courts, for instance, have consistently ruled against both his travel ban efforts.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked Monday if Trump still considers this version of the order to be “watered down” and “politically correct.”

“Again — well, remember, the — they’re looking at the totality of it,” Spicer said. “So I think part of it, as I mentioned … a second ago, will be dependent on what the lawyers believe its impact will be, in terms of how it goes forward and what we can do.”

“Right now we’re just pleased with what the Supreme Court has done,” Spicer added. “And once we have a better idea of its full impact, we’ll be able to have a better analysis of that.”

Though Trump recently boasted that he has “passed more legislation” than any other president “with the exception of FDR,” the two most ambitious aspects of his legislative agenda — tax reform and infrastructure — have been largely stalled and Trump has no major legislative accomplishments to count this far.

A typical White House, meanwhile, would likely be focused on passing the Senate Republican health care bill.

The Congressional Budget Office projected Monday that an estimated 22 million more Americans will be uninsured by 2026 if the Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act passes. Republican senators have been reluctant to support the bill, and the figures released by the CBO will likely make it even more difficult to garner support.

“I think we’ve addressed CBO scores in the past,” Spicer said Monday before the score was released. “I mean, we — we feel very confident with where the bill is. And he’s going to continue to listen to senators who have ideas about how to strengthen it.”

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