GOP congressman on Senate health care process: ‘It looks like they’re trying to hide something’

Republican Rep. Peter King said Wednesday that he thinks Senate Republicans’ behind-closed-doors efforts to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare make it look like they have something to hide.

Senate Republicans are pushing for a vote next week on a bill they have yet to release. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have criticized the process for being too secretive.

In an interview with “LI in the AM” radio, King said he would prefer as many things as possible to be done in public.

“Listen, there has to be private meetings all the time, but I think there should be more public debate on it,” he said. “It looks like they’re trying to hide something and it does add to conspiracy theories and everything else.”

King added, “All of democracy can’t be open all the time, things are going to have to be done behind closed doors, that’s just common sense. Having said that, that should be kept to a minimum, so I think that if this is too secretive, it’s going to put a cloud over the whole final product.”

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