Special Counsel Robert Mueller meets with House Russia investigators

The special counsel overseeing the Justice Department’s Russia investigation met with the leaders of the House Russia probe Tuesday evening, as the two sets of investigators figure out how to co-exist while examining into potential connections between the campaign of President Donald Trump and Russian officials.

“We had a productive meeting with Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller this afternoon to deconflict our concurrent investigations, and look forward to continuing our dialogue with him as both investigations progress,” Reps. Michael Conaway and Adam Schiff, the leaders of the House Russia investigation, said in a joint statement following the meeting.

Mueller declined comment as he left the meeting Tuesday.

Mueller’s meeting with the House leaders comes a week after he held a similar meeting with Senate intelligence committee Chairman Richard Burr and its ranking Democrat Sen. Mark Warner, who are conducting a third, Senate investigation into Russian election meddling, which has featured blockbuster testimonies in recent weeks from fired FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and others.

And Mueller is set to meet with the leaders of the Senate judiciary committee Wednesday, as they consider their own probe into potential obstruction of justice by Trump.

Shortly after Mueller’s meeting with the Senate leaders last week, Burr and Warner announced they would not look into potential obstruction of justice, leaving that to Mueller’s probe. But Senate judiciary committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the panel, have said they may examine whether Trump interfered at all with the FBI probe.

A host of committees are seeking Comey’s written memos of his private conversations with Trump, but none have yet to obtain them. Comey’s friend who read the memos to the media, Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, gave his copies of the memos to Mueller’s probe.

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