A couple donates $100,000 to Goodwill … accidentally

A couple in Ohio accidentally dropped off a duffel bag containing almost $100,000 at an Ohio Goodwill. Thanks to a couple of honest employees, they got back every dime.

The employees at the Zanesville, Ohio, Goodwill were going through donations last week when they came across a duffel bag. Inside the bag was $97,004, a living will and marriage certificate.

At first they thought the cash was fake, employee Kelsey Croy told CNN.

“It was so much cash they figured it was fake at first and then thought, ‘Well no, maybe it’s actually counterfeit money,'” Croy said. “So they brought it into the store office.

“I looked in the bag and we counted it right there on the desk. And it was $97,004.”

Tracking the owners

Thankfully, the owners asked for a receipt for tax purposes when they dropped off the goods that morning.

The employees immediately called the couple but no one answered.

Not wanting to leave that amount of cash in the store, they called in the Zanesville Police Department.

After repeated calls, officers finally got a hold of the couple, Capt. Chris Phipps told CNN.

The couple hadn’t realized the money was missing.

The back story

The couple told police their bank was closing. So, they withdrew all their money to move it to another bank.

On the way to the new bank, they stopped at Goodwill to drop off a bag of clothes. That’s how the money ended up there.

“When we finally got a hold of them, they just asked if they could come in tomorrow and get it sometime. I’d have been on my way that night,” Phipps said.

The couple has since made contact with the original employees who found the money to thank them.

“I’m just glad that I work with a bunch of honest and loyal employees,” Croy told CNN.

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