Breitbart writer out after inflammatory tweets following London attack

Katie McHugh, the Breitbart writer who tweeted a number of incendiary remarks in the immediate aftermath of the London terror attack, is no longer with the right-wing news site, four sources familiar with the situation told CNN.

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow announced McHugh’s departure internally Monday morning. After this article was initially published, McHugh herself confirmed she was out, tweeting, “Breitbart News fired me for telling the truth about Islam and Muslim immigration” and posting a link to a fundraising page started to support her on the fringe right website WeSearchr.

McHugh had ignited controversy on Saturday night when she wrote on Twitter that “there would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn’t live there.”

“You’re a real moron,” actor Pej Vahdat replied.

“You’re an Indian,” shot back McHugh, incorrectly identifying the ethnicity of Vahdat, who is Iranian-American.

McHugh’s comments prompted outrage from a number of her own colleagues. Breitbart employees who spoke to CNN Sunday characterized McHugh’s remarks as “appalling,” “terrible,” and “dumb.”

McHugh has a history of posting racially tinged remarks on social media. She once tweeted, “Mexicans wrecked Mexico & think invading the USA will magically cure them them of their retarded dysfunction. LOL.” In other tweets, she was disparaging of other cultures and said, for example, “another Crusade would do a lot of good.”

It was not clear if Ryan Saavedra, a Breitbart writer who called for the return of the crusades after the London terror attack, was also still with the company.

Neither McHugh nor a Breitbart spokesperson immediately responded to a request for comment.

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