5 things for Thursday, June 1: Russia probe, Paris agreement, Afghanistan

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1. Russia probe

After weeks of bombshell revelations, we’re finally about the hear from James Comey. The fired FBI director will testify before the Senate intelligence committee as soon as next week to confirm his conversations with President Trump and claims Trump asked him to stop the investigation into Michael Flynn’s alleged ties to Russia, a source tells CNN. Let’s step back and process this: The former head of the FBI would essentially accuse the President of the United States — in public — of trying to obstruct an investigation.

And that’s not all on the Russia front. Congress is investigating whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions had another meeting with Russia’s ambassador during the presidential campaign. The meeting would have been in April 2016 at Washington’s Mayflower Hotel, where Trump was giving his first foreign policy speech. Of course, Sessions got in trouble for not disclosing meetings with Russian officials during his confirmation hearing, forcing him to recuse himself from the Russia probe. Of course, that didn’t stop him from taking part last month in Comey’s firing — but that’s a discussion for another newsletter.

2. Paris climate deal

President Trump is expected to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement. Trump tweeted that he’d announce his decision this afternoon in the Rose Garden. If he drops the 2015 deal — which focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions — the President would keep one of his big campaign promises, but he’d also make a decision that would put the US at odds with just about every other country in the world (except Syria and Nicaragua, which aren’t a part of the deal). It would also be another hit against President Obama’s legacy of combating climate change.

Reactions have been swift, with scientists pointing out the lasting consequences this could have for the Earth. European Union leaders are begging Trump not to do it. Many observers say it’s just another sign of America withdrawing from the world, leaving China and Europe in charge. And CNN’s John Sutter says Trump’s move is just a middle finger to our future.

3. Afghanistan bombing

There’s grief — and anger — in Kabul, a day after a massive suicide blast there killed at least 90 people and injured hundreds. Residents are furious that millions of dollars have been spent to beef up the country’s security, yet the attack still happened. A truck crammed with explosives was detonated during the morning rush in the busy streets near embassies. No one has claimed responsibility for the terror attack, which comes just a few days into the holy month of Ramadan.

4. 2016 election

It’s June 1, school’s out, summer vacations are ramping up and we’re still talking about the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton took (kinda) full responsibility for her loss during an appearance at a tech conference in California. She also blamed the Russians and ex-FBI Director James Comey and The New York Times (for its coverage of her email scandal). But she also, surprisingly, went after the Democratic National Committee, saying it was bankrupt and had crappy data that caused her to overlook all those working class white voters in the Midwest. President Trump (of course) had to weigh in on Twitter (of course), saying that Clinton should just accept she was a bad candidate.


NASA’s making a star turn in 2018. That’s when the space agency will send a probe to the sun in its first mission there. The Parker Solar Probe will study the sun’s outer atmosphere, called the corona. The 10-foot-high probe will get closer to the sun than any spacecraft ever has. The probe, which will orbit the sun about 3.7 million miles from its surface, will endure more heat and radiation than any other spacecraft, but it’ll be worth it. The research will help us all understand more about the sun — and Earth’s place in the solar system.

“What are we doing?”

Golfer Tiger Woods to police officers giving him a field sobriety test before his DUI arrest on Memorial Day. Newly released dashcam video shows the encounter.

Breakfast Browse

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And finally …

Cartoon cuisine

Ever wondered what a Krabby Patty from the “Spongebob Squarepants” cartoons tastes like? Now’s your chance to find out. (Click to view)

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