Sen. Rand Paul plans to force vote on $110 billion Saudi arms deal

Sen. Rand Paul intends to force a vote in the Senate on the $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia that President Donald Trump announced during his visit there, to a Paul aide told CNN.

Paul is expected to introduce a measure to disapprove of the sale later this week, and he has the ability under Senate rules to eventually force a vote on it.

The Kentucky Republican is concerned that giving more arms to Saudi Arabia could drag the US further into the Saudi-led war in Yemen and worsen the humanitarian situation there.

Paul did the same thing for a $1.15 billion Saudi arms deal last year that was approved by the Obama administration. His effort was rejected 26-71.

Trump visited Saudi Arabia a few days ago as part of his overseas tour, where he gave a speech urging Muslim-majority countries to redouble their counterterrorism efforts.

This story has been updated to reflect new developments.

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