Ariana Grande fans rally in wake of Manchester bombing

Ariana Grande’s fan base has always been strong and that strength was on full display after Monday night’s terror attack in Manchester.

The “Arianators,” as they are known, sprung into action after an explosion rocked the Manchester Arena during Grande’s concert there.

Fans quickly started tweeting in the wake of the attack, looking for those who may have been present.

They also tweeted messages of encouragement and support for both concertgoers and Grande.

The pop star’s fan base skews young and there were children among the 22 killed, authorities said.

Those youngest victims were on the minds of many who tweeted their support after the attack.

Grande tweeted after the incident that she was “broken.”

Grande’s supporters responded with words of comfort, including assurance that she was not responsible for the tragedy.

#Manchester was trending worldwide on Twitter on Tuesday morning and fans of contemporaries of Grande’s including Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez also offered their condolences and support.

Rapper Drake posted his support by posting a drawing of Grande’s trademark bunny ears made into a ribbon.

“We just left from touring in Europe and this was such a real fear we discussed frequently,” he wrote. “I was crushed today to hear it became a reality.”

“My condolences to all of the families affected and we will be praying for all of Manchester,” Drake added. “Also I am praying on peace of mind for Ariana.”

According to the BBC, authorities have asked concertgoers to upload any images or video they may have in order to assist with the investigation.

At least 59 people were wounded after a bomb tore through the arena’s entrance on Monday night. Authorities are billing the incident as a terrorist attack and have arrested a 23-year-old man outside of Manchester in connection with the bombing.

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