Madeleine Albright: We have a President who ‘doesn’t seem to do his homework’

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on Thursday said she’s concerned about President Donald Trump’s lack of expertise in world affairs as he prepares to embark on his first foreign trip.

“What keeps me up at night is that, in fact, this President is not well enough prepared to deal with the myriad of issues out there which are very complicated,” the nation’s former top diplomat said on CNN’s “New Day.”

“What keeps me up at night is there is not a full team that is working at the State Department that — and all the questions about what is happening inside the White House,” she told anchor Chris Cuomo. “That’s what worries me because there is an awful lot happening and we have a President that doesn’t seem to do his homework.”

Trump, along with first lady Melania Trump, will embark Friday on his first foreign trip, a five-country grind that will take him to the Middle East and Europe for meetings with Pope Francis, NATO and the G7.

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