CIA Director Mike Pompeo to brief House intelligence panel Tuesday

CIA Director Mike Pompeo will brief the members of the House intelligence committee Tuesday on what President Donald Trump discussed with Russian officials last week, following claims the President apparently revealed classified information.

Pompeo is set to brief the lawmakers later in the day, after they returned from their one-week recess, according to a source familiar with the briefing.

The briefing comes as lawmakers have demanded reports from the White House on what exactly Trump told Russia’s foreign minister and ambassador to the US.

A second committee source says this was previously scheduled. But the meeting will no doubt take on increased significance in the wake of The Washington Post story published Monday claiming Trump apparently leaked classified information during that meeting with the Russians. CNN confirmed that reporting.

Across Capitol Hill, Republicans and Democrats alike are voicing frustration, distrust and irritation following the constant stream of controversies coming out of the White House.

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