Amid chaos, couple gets engaged at White House

It took Tommy Schultz months to plan, but amid the chaos at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, he’s finally engaged to Ashley Harvey.

“I’ve been trying to work out all the logistics,” he said. “This finally came together in the past two weeks or so.”

The two have dated for two years, after meeting in Nashville. When Schultz moved to Washington for work, Harvey soon followed.

One of the first things they did was a tour of all the monuments in Washington.

“I knew I needed to do something special like that,” said Schultz.

When he finally got the White House tour, he quickly called Harvey’s parents and her three best friends. They soon were on their way to Washington.

Schultz was so nervous, he didn’t turn on the news all day. He was completely oblivious to the breaking news that took the White House by storm.

“Not even sure what happened today,” he said.

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