Activists spell out message for Trump — on one of his own golf courses

About 200 activists hit the links in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, this weekend to take their anti-Trump message straight to the source.

Volunteers from Indivisible San Pedro, a political action organization, met on the green of Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles to spell out “RESIST!”

It’s one little word, but for the volunteers who were there, it’s loaded with questions.

“There’s always a new Trump outrage,” volunteer Peter Warren told CNN. “This week’s outrage was the firing of Comey so the ‘resist’ to us was to…get a special prosecutor to investigate Trump’s collusion with Russia and Russia’s interference with the 2016 election.”

Warren also said the group wants Trump to release his taxes.

“You cannot spell ‘release your taxes’ as easily so we used ‘resist’ to stand for what our ask is,” he said. “We got a tremendous response.”

The whole thing took about an hour from beginning to end, and Warren says the participants ran the gambit from kids to babies, retirees, teachers, artists, longshoremen and everyone in between. While in formation, they sang “God Bless America” as administrators from the golf course looked on.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said it was made aware of the event but says “nothing really happened.”

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