Samantha Bee rails against Ivanka Trump’s book and it’s brilliant

Samantha Bee had some choice words for Ivanka Trump in a seven-minute monologue in which the late night host railed against the first daughter’s new book “Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules For Success.”

It’s not the first time Bee took on Trump on “Full Frontal,” but her Wednesday night rant against a book supposedly written to help women strike a balance between life and work was delivered with extra glee and snark.

“‘Women Who Work’ contains more fonts than original thoughts,” Bee quipped. “True to her family’s branding empire, Ivanka wrote this book largely by taking other people’s work and stamping her name on it. . . . It’s like Ivanka forgot she had a book assignment, remembered on the last day, ran to the Hudson Books, ripped out random pages, then vision-boarded them together over the contents of her wastebasket to create ‘Women Who Work.'”

Bee had a field day referencing the numerous inspirational quotes Trump used throughout the book, from Maya Angelou to Nelson Mandela. The host also pointed out Trump had wrongly attributed a quote in her book to actor Dave Willis, when in fact it was from a pastor named Dave Willis.

“It takes a special kind of whiteness to take a Maya Angelou line about racism, mangle it, and apply it to asking for a raise,” she said.

Bee’s takeaway? Trump is anything but relatable to the average working mom.

“If you were raised working poor like me, this book will inspire you,” she said. “Specifically, it will inspire you to challenge the next rich woman you see to a broken beer-bottle fight.”

“Women Who Work” launched on May 2 and was met by mixed reactions from those who Trump quoted. Deepak Chopra hoped the first daughter would “speak to her father” on “what’s right and what’s not.” Animal behavior expert Jane Goodall called on Trump to use her platform to help take care of the planet. ‘Girls Who Code’ founder Reshma Saujani flat out rejected Trump’s use of her words.

“@ivankatrump don’t use my story in #WomenWhoWork unless you are going to stop being #complicit #askivanka,” Saujani said in a tweet last week.

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