McConnell admonishes Democrats’ calls for a special prosecutor over Comey

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued from the Senate floor Wednesday that Democrats were being disingenuous in their admonishment of President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.

McConnell said Democrats were “complaining” about Comey’s removal after having alleged during the campaign that Comey had taken unfair actions against their party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.

McConnell said what the Senate had now was “our Democratic colleagues complaining about the removal of an FBI director whom they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticized.”

He said “partisan calls” shouldn’t slow down the investigation into Russian meddling of the US election by the Senate intelligence committee.

Trump fired Comey on Tuesday evening, following recommendations from his attorney general and deputy attorney general. Democratic lawmakers have called for a special prosecutor to handle an independent investigation into Russian meddling into the US and whether there are any ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and Moscow.

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