Dem leaders rip GOP at Emily’s List gala as health care vote nears

While Republicans were holed up on Capitol Hill trying to pull together the votes to pass their health care plan, Democratic lawmakers slammed their efforts across town at a gala for Emily’s List — an organization dedicated to supporting and electing Democratic women who support abortion rights.

“Tomorrow, House Republicans may vote to pass one of the most damaging bills for women in the history of the country,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at the event at the Washington Hilton.

Female leaders from the Democratic Party were out in force Wednesday evening — the gala’s speakers included Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Maxine Waters, Sen. Tammy Duckworth and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, among others.

Many of them spoke out against the Trump administration the night before the House was scheduled to vote on a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“Trumpcare will raise your health costs, destroy the coverage for millions of Americans and undermine a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi said. “We must not let them succeed.”

The lawmakers’ message of resistance extended beyond health care — the speakers were vocal about Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, the environment and the importance of funding for women’s health centers that provide abortions, among other topics.

“Men like Donald Trump come to power when their country’s already in deep trouble, when their economies (are) already deeply flawed and when people in those countries begin to lose hope for a better future and start looking for someone to blame,” said Warren, who noted that her first political donation was to Emily’s List.

“I’ve got news for Donald Trump: Up against our army, he doesn’t stand a chance,” Warren said.

While acknowledging the pain of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss in their eyes, speakers also said there was reason to celebrate this election cycle — with four new female members of the Senate and eight elected to the House.

“It hurts because Donald Trump is so manifestly unfit for the presidency,” Emily’s List President Stephanie Schriock said. “It hurts because Hillary Clinton was more ready for the challenges of that office than any candidate in generations.”

Emily’s List has raised more than $500 million for its chosen candidates, and has trained more than 9,000 women to run for office, according to the group.

“We must never stop fighting — fight, fight, fight,” Giffords said.

CLARIFICATION: This story has been updated to more accurately reflect the topics discussed by the speakers.

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