What’s in and what’s out in the latest government spending bill

Negotiators reached a critical agreement Sunday night on a large spending bill that if approved this week would fund the government for months, senior aides from both parties told CNN.

As of Sunday night, Democratic and Republican aides disagreed about some of the figures that were initially put out as word of the deal broke.

Below is what aides to both parties agreed is included in the bill, when asked by CNN:

$1.5 billion for border security — technology and repairing existing infrastructure with language saying no new border wall construction
No money for deportation force or federal cuts to sanctuary cities
Billions in new defense spending, including the global war on terrorism
No funding cut for Planned Parenthood
National Institute of Health funding increase of $2 billion
Increase clean energy and science funding
Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy is up $17 million over Fiscal Year 2016
Department of Energy Office of Science is up $42 million over Fiscal Year 2016
Provide permanent fix for miners health insurance
$295 million for Puerto Rico Medicaid
Disaster package including funding for California, West Virginia, Louisiana and North Carolina, increased funding for transit infrastructure grants and opioid epidemic
Restored year round Pell Grants

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