Tapper: These Americans have had a rougher 100 days than Trump

“Many Americans” had a tougher past 100 days — coinciding with the first months of Donald Trump’s presidency — than the President himself, CNN’s Jake Tapper said on “The Lead” Friday.

Reflecting on his first 100 days, Trump said in an interview with Reuters on Thursday that he thought the job would be easier.

Tapper responded: “The notion that President Trump thought the job of President of the United States of America would be easier than hosting ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and running the Trump business empire is pretty stunning.”

Tapper then went on to name a handful of Americans who have had a difficult past few months — many of them as a result of Trump’s policies.

“There’s Kraig Moss, who lost his son Rob in the opioid crisis in 2014 and believed Trump when he said he would do something about the crisis. In fact, Kraig supported Trump so strongly he traveled the country to Trump rallies singing the candidate’s praises. After the health care bill, Moss says he will never vote for Trump again,” Tapper said.

The White House attempted to revive a health care reform package ahead of the President’s 100 days in office, but that has not come into fruition.

Tapper then mentioned Emmanuel Ayala Frutos, one of the so-called DREAMers — people brought to this country illegally by their parents. The President has said he feels sympathy for DREAMers in the past.

“Frutos was brought here when he was 6. Recently, he was held in detention for 18 days. He and other DREAMers live in constant fear as the President cracks down on illegal immigration and they don’t know what’s going to happen to them,” Tapper continued.

Then there’s cancer patient Melissa Nance, who’s worried about losing her health insurance.

“She’s covered by Obamacare now, but insurers are pulling out of her state of Tennessee. Trump said he would take care of this, he said he would fix it, he said it would be easy. but Congress has passed nothing,” Tapper said.

“I could go on and on,” Tapper continued, “The factory workers who were told by the President that he would bring their jobs back though he has not introduced a jobs bill yet. The troops in harms way wondering if the President has any actual foreign policy strategy or if he’s just winging it with them on the front lines.”

“These Americans are depending on you, Mr. President,” Tapper said, “These are the people who have had a rough 100 days.”

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