NRA convention, Trump rally and Nerd Prom: What a weekend!

What’s going on in the world of politics this weekend? To be honest, a little bit of everything. There will be big speeches, rallies, a dinner, marches and a major milestone — President Trump’s 100th day in office.

Sound a bit overwhelming? Don’t worry. We made a quick guide to get you ready for these busy next couple of days: (Tip: We’ll also be streaming the big events.)

Friday: Big guns at the National Rifle Association

As far as guest speakers go, you can’t get much bigger than the POTUS. President Donald Trump will be speaking at the NRA’s annual convention in Atlanta — the first sitting president to do so since Ronald Reagan.

Other big-name speakers include Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. The NRA event goes from 12:30 to 4 p.m. ET Friday.

While Trump’s in town, he’ll also go to a fundraising event Friday for Karen Handel, the Republican who’s duking it out with Democrat Jon Ossoff for a hotly contested (and super important) Congressional seat. It’s actually the first time Trump will stump for an individual candidate as POTUS.

Saturday: Climate change protests in DC

Last weekend, it was the March for Science. This weekend, protesters from the Peoples Climate Movement will take over streets in DC.

Why Saturday? It’s Trump’s 100th day in office.

“We need to mark that day with a massive demonstration that shows that our resistance is not going to wane or fade away,” the group said.

“Since inauguration, we’ve seen what people power can achieve: Trumpcare? Withdrawn. Muslim ban? Blocked. Now Trump’s entire fossil fuel agenda is next.”

Saturday: White House Correspondents’ Dinner

It’s that annual party where the president and the reporters who grill him can laugh off their frustrations and drink together in tuxedos and gowns. Except this time, there will be no president.

Trump said he won’t go to this year’s gala, with pretty much no explanation. No president has missed the event since Ronald Reagan in 1981, and he had a pretty good reason — he was recovering from an assassination attempt. (Reagan still managed to phone in some lines, though.)

But the “Nerd Prom” must go on, and the jokes will keep flowing courtesy of “Daily Show” comedian Hasan Minhaj. And, more importantly, journalism students will be honored with scholarships from the fundraiser.

Saturday: Trump’s 100-day speech

So where will Trump be instead of the correspondents’ dinner?

He’ll be at a campaign-style rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to tout what he’s accomplished in his first 100 days in office. (For those of you not keeping score at home, here’s a scorecard.)

Trump’s rally kicks off at 7:30 p.m. ET Saturday — meaning he’s going to compete with the White House Correspondents’ Dinner for air time.

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