5 things for Thursday, April 27: North Korea, trade and taxes, home sales

As you pick out what to wear this morning, know there’s a new gadget that will judge your outfit. Here’s what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.)

1. North Korea

Tensions between the US and North Korea have hit an all-time high — and they won’t be easing anytime soon. At least that’s what a government official from the North told us, saying his country’s nuclear tests would “never stop” as long as the US continued its “aggression.” It’s believed the North is prepping its sixth nuke test, which could happen at any time.

Meantime, the US anti-missile defense system, known as THAAD, will be operational in South Korea in a few days. The military’s been setting it up to help the South better deal with threats from its neighbor. Of course, the North Koreans don’t like THAAD, and Russia and China aren’t big fans either, seeing it as something that could neutralize their nuclear deterrents. China may be so upset it hired hackers who tried to infiltrate a group tied to THAAD.

And in DC, President Trump put the entire Senate on buses to the White House for a special meeting on North Korea. But senators from both parties said they didn’t learn anything new. One Democrat called it a “dog and pony show” to give Trump something to crow about at the end of his first 100 days.

2. Trade and taxes

Looks like President Trump is taking a “mend it, don’t end it” strategy on NAFTA. The President told the leaders of Canada and Mexico that he doesn’t want to pull out of the trade pact after all — despite spending much of the campaign railing against it. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto reportedly told Trump they’re both cool with rewriting the deal.

We also got details on the Trump tax plan. OK, there weren’t a lot of them — something that ticked off more than a few House Republicans — but we know the broad outlines: lots of tax cuts, fewer tax brackets, doubling the standard deduction. Trump says the tax cuts will eventually pay for themselves through robust economic growth.

3. Venezuela

Venezuela is pulling out of the Organization of American States. The country wants out of the 35-nation group — which works to maintain peace and stability in the Americas — because it thinks some foreign governments (they’re looking at you, USA) are siding with the opposition in the latest protests there. At least 28 people have been killed since demonstrations against the government heated up this month. The country’s economy is a mess, sparking food and medicine shortages that have contributed to the unrest.

4. Baltimore

“Murder is out of control,” Baltimore’s mayor says. The city already has had 100 homicides this year, and it’s not even the end of April. That hasn’t happened in nearly 20 years, so the mayor is calling in the feds to help. More FBI agents may be brought in or reassigned to calm the crime wave before summer, when crime often ticks up. The call comes two years after the death of Freddie Gray in police custody set off violent protests; Gray’s funeral was two years ago today. This month, a federal judge signed off on a consent decree between Baltimore and the Justice Department that calls for sweeping police reforms.

5. Home sales

If you’re thinking about selling your home, congratulations. Right now is the best time in almost a decade to do it. A new report finds that home sellers saw an average price gain of $44,000 during the first quarter of this year. That’s the highest gain since 2007, right before the Great Recession hit.


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