Relive the best moments of first 100 days on loop

As we have often noted, sometimes the best way to appreciate a moment is to watch it on loop. It’s a standard that certainly applies to President Donald Trump’s time in the White House so far.

Set aside, for a moment, some of the more divisive policy proposals. During his first 100 days, the President and his colleagues in the federal government have provided some pretty GIF-able content.

Foreign friends and a three-point turn

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was one of the first foreign leaders to visit President Trump at the White House, but the moments that lit up the social sphere were ones like this.

Abe’s driver took his turn too wide pulling up to the West Wing and proceeded to do a three-point turn to course correct. Foreign leaders have the same parking problems as the rest of us!

It was the handshake that the world will never forget. Trump and Abe did a photo op in the Oval Office during Abe’s visit, shook hands and didn’t stop for 19 seconds. Nineteen!

On the other hand, President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel used no hands during their Oval Office photo op. It made just as much news.

Highlights from the Hill

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan were the two best friends that anyone could have on the night of President Trump’s joint address to Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell got yelled at by an angry constituent during a speech. Sometimes you just have to know when to lower your microphone and let it wash over you.

NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers went to the Hill to testify about Russian influence in the 2016 election and President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration had wiretapped him.

While the hearing was still going on, President Trump tweeted out a clip and wrote, “The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process.” Rogers made this face when that tweet was read to him by a member of the committee.

There should be an awards ceremony for best use of props on the Hill. Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe once brought a snowball to the floor. Activists threw wads of cash from the gallery last year. Really creative stuff.

Speaker Ryan is definitely in the running for Best Use of Prop with the Guinness he pulled out during a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Twitter users and the Irish were quick to point out that it was incredibly flat. But points to him for committing to the bit.

White House hijinks

You didn’t think the only times President Trump has been loopable have been during one-on-ones with world leaders, did you? Certainly not. He welcomed other noteworthy guests too!

The television cameras played an assist on this GIF, where the President surprised a White House tour group right in front of a portrait of — wait for it — Hillary Clinton. The slow reveal is just as good on the tenth viewing as it is on the first.

Then there was the day when truckers visited the White House and President Trump got to live out everyone’s childhood road trip dreams. He got to honk the horn and pretend to be driving a semi!

The President hasn’t been the only one having fun in the West Wing. On the day that the New England Patriots visited the White House, tight end Rob Gronkowski crashed Sean Spicer’s press briefing. Spicer declined assistance from Gronk.

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