First on CNN: House Russia investigation chair sought reset, House Dems cool public criticism

The new leader of the House Russia investigation asked House Democrats to cool their barrage of criticism as part of a reset for the House intelligence committee that both sides hope will hold.

Rep. Mike Conaway asked Democrats on the committee to curb their critiques for a bit while he got his footing as the new leader of the high-stakes probe, two sources familiar with the request told CNN.

Conaway, the sources said, said the sniping in public was not helping and asked for a reset following the recusal of House intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes from the top of the investigation.

Spokespeople for Conaway and Rep. Adam Schiff, the committee’s top Democrat, were not immediately available for comment Wednesday morning.

The House investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections was perilously close to running off track three weeks ago, when Nunes suddenly announced he was stepping aside as he, himself, became the target of a House ethics probe for allegedly discussing classified material in public.

Nunes declined comment when asked by CNN Wednesday about the state of the ethics probe.

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