These are the 100-day accomplishments Trump is touting

President Donald Trump’s 100th day in office comes Saturday, and despite his downplaying of the significance of the marker, his team is prepped and ready to tout his accomplishments.

In a memo obtained first by CNN, the White House highlights job creation efforts, regulation cuts and national security measures, among others.

But not all the initiatives have been unqualified success — Trump’s travel ban, which is listed, is currently stalled in the court system.

Further, the bulk of Trump’s accomplishments have been made through executive action or memorandum, something Republicans decried Obama for doing during his second term. There are 37 points in this list and 23 (62%) were accomplished by executive order or memorandum.

100 Days Of Accomplishments

Energy Independence Executive Order
Revocation Of Federal Contracting Executive Orders
Reexamination Of CAFE Standards
Review Of Waters Of The United States Rule
Creation Of Regulatory Task Forces
Eliminating Stream Protection Rule
Eliminating Regulations On Extraction Companies
One-In-Two-Out Regulation Reform
Minimizing Affordable Care Act


Buy American, Hire American Pipeline
Dakota Access Pipeline
U.S. Material In Pipeline Construction
Partnering With Private Sector


Withdrawal From The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Trade Enforcement
Comprehensive Reports On The Causes Of U.S. Trade Deficits


Federal Hiring Freeze
New Ethics Commitments On Political Appointees


Strike On Syrian Airfield
Travel Restrictions On Select Countries
New Iran Sanctions
Defense Spending In Budget
F-35 Cost Savings


Immigration Enforcement, Including Constructing A Wall
Sanctuary Cities Funding
New Hiring To Enforce Immigration
Prioritizing Criminal Immigration Enforcement And Hiring More Immigration Judges


Commission On Opioid Crisis
Protecting Law Enforcement Officers Crime
Tackling International Cartels


HBCU Initiative
Canada-United States Council For The Advancement Of Women Entrepreneurs
Promoting Women In Entrepreneurship Act
Women And Space Exploration


Nominating And Confirming Gorsuch


Energy Independence Executive Order: On March 28th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence And Economic Growth, Which Suspended, Revised, Or Rescinded Four Obama Executive Actions That Stifled American Energy. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Promoting Energy Independence And Economic Growth,” 3/28/17)

Revocation Of Federal Contracting Executive Orders: On March 27th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Revoking The Federal Contracting Executive Orders Put In Place By The Obama Administration. (The White House Press Office, 3/27/17)

Reexamination Of CAFE Standards: On March 15th 2017, The EPA And The Department Of Transportation Announced The Reexamination Of Emission Standards For Cars And Light Duty Trucks. (Environmental Protection Agency, “EPA To Reexamine Emission Standards For Cars And Light Duty Trucks — Model Years 2022-2025,” 3/15/17)

Review Of Waters Of The United States Rule: On February 28th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order That Directed The Review Of The “Waters Of The United States” Rule. “Sec. 2. Review of the Waters of the United States Rule. (a) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (Administrator) and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (Assistant Secretary) shall review the final rule entitled “Clean Water Rule: Definition of ‘Waters of the United States,'” 80 Fed. Reg. 37054 (June 29, 2015), for consistency with the policy set forth in section 1 of this order and publish for notice and comment a proposed rule rescinding or revising the rule, as appropriate and consistent with law.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Restoring The Rule Of Law, Federalism, And Economic Growth By Reviewing The ‘Waters Of The United States’ Rule,” 2/27/17)

Creation Of Regulatory Task Forces: On February 24th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Requiring Every Executive Agency To Establish A Regulatory Reform Task Force To Eliminate Costly And Unnecessary Regulations. “Sec. 2. Regulatory Reform Officers. (a) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the head of each agency, except the heads of agencies receiving waivers under section 5 of this order, shall designate an agency official as its Regulatory Reform Officer (RRO). Each RRO shall oversee the implementation of regulatory reform initiatives and policies to ensure that agencies effectively carry out regulatory reforms, consistent with applicable law.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Enforcing The Regulatory Reform Agenda,” 2/24/17)

Eliminating Stream Protection Rule: On February 16th 2017, The President Signed Into Law H.J. Resolution 38, Which Eliminated A Burdensome Energy Regulation That Grew The Federal Bureaucracy And Put Upward Pressure On Energy Costs (H.J. Res. 38, Signed 2/16/17)

Eliminating Regulations On Extraction Companies: On February 14th 2017, The President Signed Into Law H.J. Resolution 41, Which Eliminated A Costly Regulation That Threatened To Put Domestic Extraction Companies At A Disadvantage. (The White House Press Office, “Remarks By President Trump At Signing Of H.J. Resolution 41,” 2/14/17)

One-In-Two-Out Regulation Reform: On January 30th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Expand Regulatory Review With The Goal Of Revoking Two Regulations For Every New Regulation Put Forward. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Reducing Regulation And Controlling Regulatory Costs,” 1/30/17)

Minimizing Affordable Care Act: On January 20th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order “Instructing Federal Agencies To Minimize The Burden” Of The Affordable Care Act. “On his first day in office, President Donald Trump signed an executive order instructing federal agencies to minimize the burden of his predecessor’s signature accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, pending congressional repeal.” (The White House Press Office, “Executive Order Minimizing The Economic Burden Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal,” 1/20/17)


Buy American, Hire American: On April 18th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Outlining New ‘Buy American, Hire American’ Policies That Protects American Industry From Unfair Competition, Favors American Made Products, And Makes Certain Open Jobs Are Given To Americans. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Buy American And Hire American,” 4/18/17)

• “It Shall Be The Policy Of The Executive Branch To Maximize…The Use Of Goods, Products, And Materials Produced In The United States.” “(a) Buy American Laws. In order to promote economic and national security and to help stimulate economic growth, create good jobs at decent wages, strengthen our middle class, and support the American manufacturing and defense industrial bases, it shall be the policy of the executive branch to maximize, consistent with law, through terms and conditions of Federal financial assistance awards and Federal procurements, the use of goods, products, and materials produced in the United States.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Buy American And Hire American,” 4/18/17)

• “It Shall Be The Policy Of The Executive Branch To Rigorously Enforce And Administer The Laws Governing Entry Into The United States Of Workers From Abroad.” “(b) Hire American. In order to create higher wages and employment rates for workers in the United States, and to protect their economic interests, it shall be the policy of the executive branch to rigorously enforce and administer the laws governing entry into the United States of workers from abroad, including section 212(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(5)).” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Buy American And Hire American,” 4/18/17)

Keystone Pipeline: On March 24th 2017, The President Announced The Approval Of The Keystone XL Pipeline. (The White House Press Office, “Remarks By The President In TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline Announcement,” 3/24/17)

• On January 24th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum Initiating The Process To Begin Construction Of The Keystone XL Pipeline. “I hereby invite TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. (TransCanada), to promptly re-submit its application to the Department of State for a Presidential permit for the construction and operation of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a major pipeline for the importation of petroleum from Canada to the United States.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction Of The Keystone XL Pipeline,” 1/24/17)

Dakota Access Pipeline: On January 24th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum Declaring The Dakota Access Pipeline Serves The National Interest And Initiating The Process To Being Remaining Construction. “I believe that construction and operation of lawfully permitted pipeline infrastructure serve the national interest.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline,” 1/24/17)

U.S. Material In Pipeline Construction: On January 24th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum Ordering That All New Pipeline Construction And Repair Work Use U.S. Materials And Equipment Produced In The U.S. “The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with all relevant executive departments and agencies, shall develop a plan under which all new pipelines, as well as retrofitted, repaired, or expanded pipelines, inside the borders of the United States, including portions of pipelines, use materials and equipment produced in the United States, to the maximum extent possible and to the extent permitted by law. The Secretary shall submit the plan to the President within 180 days of the date of this memorandum.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction Of American Pipelines,” 1/24/17)

Partnering With Private Sector:

• Exxon Mobil Announced It Was Investing $20 Billion In A Program To Create 45,000 Construction And Manufacturing Jobs In The United States Gulf Coast Region. “President Donald J. Trump today congratulated Exxon Mobil Corporation on its ambitious $20 billion investment program that is creating more than 45,000 construction and manufacturing jobs in the United States Gulf Coast region.” (“President Trump Congratulates Exxon Mobil For Job-Creating Investment Program,” White House Statement, 3/6/17)

• Charter Communications Announced Their Plans To Add 20,000 Jobs And Invest $25 Billion Over The Next Four Years From The White House. “The latest company to deliver good job creation news from the Oval Office: Charter Communications. The Stamford, Conn.-headquartered company pledged, over the next four years, to invest $25 billion in broadband infrastructure and hire 20,000 U.S. workers, ending any use of offshore call centers that handle customer service. A new call center in McAllen, Tex., has already hired 100 of a planned 600 new jobs and will be the company’s first fully bilingual call center, said Kathleen Mayo, Charter’s executive vice president for customer operations.” (Mike Snider, “Trump Touts Charter’s Four-Year Plan To Add 20K Jobs And Invest $25B,” USA Today, 3/24/17)

• Accenture’s CEO Julie Sweet Said The Company Is Creating 15,000 Highly Skilled New Jobs In The Next Four Years And Invest $1.4 Billion To Train Its own Employees. “North American CEO Julie Sweet told Fortune Thursday that the company is planning to open ten new innovation hubs in cities around the U.S. in the next four years, and create 15,000 highly skilled new jobs in the process. It also plans to invest $1.4 billion in training its own employees in new technologies.” (Alan Murray, “Accenture Joins Trump’s Job Creation Drive,” Fortune, 2/17/17)

• President Trump Hosted The CEO Of Intel, Brian Krzanich, Who Announced Plans Invest $7 Billion To Build A New Factory That Will Provide “3,000 Direct High-Paying, HighWage, High-Tech Jobs” “And Over 10,000 Jobs” For Support Staff. INTEL CEO BRIAN KRZANICH: “It’s an honor to be here today representing Intel and to be able to announce our $7 billion investment in our newest, most advanced factory — Fab 42 in Chandler, Arizona. We’ll be completing that factory to make the most advanced 7-nanometer semiconductor chips on the planet… And Fab 42 is an investment in Intel, but also the U.S.’s future in innovation and leadership in the semiconductor industry. Fab 42 will employ approximately 3,000 direct high-paying, high-wage, high-tech jobs at its peak, and over 10,000 people in the Arizona area in support of the factory.” (Brian Krzanich, Remarks By President Trump And Intel CEO Brian Krzanich On U.S. Jobs, Washington, DC, 2/8/17)

• Fiat Chrysler Announced It Will Invest $1 Billion To Modernize Two U.S. Plants, Creating 2,000 Jobs. “Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCHA.MI) (FCAU.N) said it will invest $1 billion to modernize two plants in the U.S. Midwest and create 2,000 jobs, and possibly move production of a Ram heavy-duty pickup truck to Michigan from Mexico.” (Bernie Woodall and David Shepardson, “Fiat Chrysler To Add U.S. Jobs As Trump Puts Spotlight On Industry,” Reuters, 1/9/17)

• General Motors Annouced A Plan To Invest $1 Billion In Several U.S. Factories, Creating Over 1,000 New Jobs. “General Motors Co. this week will announce plans to invest at least $1 billion across several U.S. factories, two people familiar with the plan said, a move aimed at underlining its commitment to U.S. manufacturing jobs in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s criticism of the auto maker’s imports from Mexico. GM’s announcement could come as early as Tuesday, the people briefed on the plan said. The company will cite a number of new jobs in excess of 1,000 stemming from the investment but doesn’t plan to specify which of its factories are in line for more work, one person said.” (Mike Colias, “General Motors Plans At Least $1 Billion In Fresh U.S. Investment,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/16/17)

• GM’s Announcement Comes After Trump Has Pressured Auto Makers To Invest In The United States. “GM’s announcement would follow a familiar pattern of auto makers publicly outlining U.S. investment and job-creation plans in the wake of Mr. Trump’s criticism of imports while insisting they would have moved ahead with them anyway.” (Mike Colias, “General Motors Plans At Least $1 Billion In Fresh U.S. Investment,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/16/17)

• President-Elect Trump Spoke With GM CEO Mary Barra In January, Talking With Her About GM’s “Commitment To Competitive Manufacturing In The U.S.” “Mr. Glidden confirmed that Ms. Barra spoke with Mr. Trump early this month following his tweet, which said companies that import from Mexico should pay a ‘big border tax.’Mr. Glidden, who was briefed on the conversation, said the two discussed trade policy and GM’s ‘commitment to competitive manufacturing in the U.S.’ He said Mr. Trump also ‘seemed interested’ in whether there are regulatory reforms that could benefit auto makers.” (Mike Colias, “General Motors Plans At Least $1 Billion In Fresh U.S. Investment,” The Wall Street Journal, 1/16/17)

• CNN Headline: “Ford Cancels Mexico Plant. Will Create 700 U.S. Jobs In ‘Vote Of Confidence’ In Trump.” (Heather Long and Poppy Harlow, “Ford Cancels Mexico Plant. Will Create 700 U.S. Jobs In ‘Vote Of Confidence’ In Trump,” CNN, 1/3/17)

• Ford CEO Mark Fields: We Are “Encouraged By Pro Growth Policies, Particularly Reform Around Tax And Regulatory Policies” Of The Incoming Trump Administration. (Heather Long and Poppy Harlow, “Ford Cancels Mexico Plant. Will Create 700 U.S. Jobs In ‘Vote Of Confidence’ In Trump,” CNN, 1/3/17)


Withdrawal From The Trans-Pacific Partnership: On January 23rd 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum Ordering The U.S Withdrawal From The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement And Negotiations. “Based on these principles, and by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct you to withdraw the United States as a signatory to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), to permanently withdraw the United States from TPP negotiations, and to begin pursuing, wherever possible, bilateral trade negotiations to promote American industry, protect American workers, and raise American wages.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Memorandum Regarding Withdrawal Of The United States From The TransPacific Partnership Negotiations And Agreement,”1/23/17)

Trade Enforcement: On March 31st 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Establishing Enhanced Collection and Enforcement of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties and Violations of Trade and Customs Laws. “Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Commerce, and the United States Trade Representative, develop a plan that would require covered importers that, based on a risk assessment conducted by CBP, pose a risk to the revenue of the United States, to provide security for antidumping and countervailing duty liability through bonds and other legal measures, and also would identify other appropriate enforcement measures. This plan shall be consistent with the requirements of section 4321 and section 1623 of title 19, United States Code, and corresponding regulations.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Establishing Enhanced Collection And Enforcement Of Antidumping And Countervailing Duties And Violations Of Trade And Customs Laws,” 3/31/17)

Comprehensive Reports On The Causes Of U.S. Trade Deficits: On March 31st 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Directing A Review And Report On Major U.S. Trade Deficits. “Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Commerce and the United States Trade Representative (USTR), in consultation with the Secretaries of State, the Treasury, Defense, Agriculture, and Homeland Security, and the heads of any other executive departments or agencies with relevant expertise, as determined by the Secretary of Commerce and the USTR, shall prepare and submit to the President an Omnibus Report on Significant Trade Deficits (Report).” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order Regarding The Omnibus Report On Significant Trade Deficits,” 3/31/17)


Federal Hiring Freeze: On January 23rd 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum Ordering A “Freeze On The Hiring Of Federal Civilian Employees” Across The Executive Branch. “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order a freeze on the hiring of Federal civilian employees to be applied across the board in the executive branch. As part of this freeze, no vacant positions existing at noon on January 22, 2017, may be filled and no new positions may be created, except in limited circumstances.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Memorandum Regarding The Hiring Freeze,” 1/23/17)

New Ethics Commitments On Political Appointees: On January 28th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Establishing New Ethics Commitments Required For Executive Branch Appointees. “Every appointee in every executive agency appointed on or after January 20, 2017, shall sign, and upon signing shall be contractually committed to, the following pledge upon becoming an appointee…” (The White House Press Office, “Executive Order: Ethics Commitments By Executive Branch Appointees,” 1/28/17)


Strike On Syrian Airfield: On April 6th 2017, The President Ordered A Targeted Military Strike On The Airfield In Syria That Was Used To Carry Out Chemical Weapon Attacks. (The White House Press Office, “Statement By President Trump On Syria,” 4/6/17)

Travel Restrictions On Select Countries: On March 6th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order That Implemented New Protections For The United States Against Foreign Terrorist Entry. (The White House Press Office, “Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” 3/6/17)

• On March 6th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Memorandum That Outlined The Implementation Guidelines For New Protections For The United States Against Foreign Terrorist Entry. (The White House Press Office, “Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” 3/6/17)

New Iran Sanctions: On February 3rd, 2017, The Department Of The Treasury Sanctioned 25 Entities And Individuals Involved In Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program. “Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned multiple entities and individuals involved in procuring technology and/or materials to support Iran’s ballistic missile program, as well as for acting for or on behalf of, or providing support to, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF). This action reflects the United States’ commitment to enforcing sanctions on Iran with respect to its ballistic missile program and destabilizing activities in the region and is fully consistent with the United States’ commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).” (“Treasury Sanctions Supporters Of Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program And Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — Qods Force,” U.S. Department Of The Treasury, 2/3/17)

Defense Spending In Budget: President Trump’s First Budget Proposal Seeks To Increase Defense And Security Spending By $54 Billion. “President Donald Trump’s first budget proposal will look to increase defense and security spending by $54 billion and cut roughly the same amount from nondefense programs, the White House said Monday.” (Dan Merica, Jeremy Diamond, and Kevin Liptak, “Trump Proposes Defense Spending Boost, $54 Billion In Cuts To ‘Most Federal Agencies,'” CNN, 2/27/17)

F-35 Cost Savings: The President’s Negotiations On The F-35 Saved “More Than $700 Million…” “Defense giant Lockheed Martin has agreed to sell 90 new F-35 fighter jets to the US Defense Department for $8.5 billion — a deal that amounts to more than $700 million in savings over the last batch of aircraft delivered. Lockheed Martin credited President Donald Trump for helping to ‘accelerate negotiations’ and ‘drive down the price’ of what is already the most expensive weapons program in history.” (Zachary Cohen, “After Trump Attack, Lockheed Martin Slashes F-35 Cost,” CNN, 2/4/17)


Immigration Enforcement, Including Constructing A Wall: On January 25th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Outlining Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Measures. “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) (INA), the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109 367) (Secure Fence Act), and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104 208 Div. C) (IIRIRA), and in order to ensure the safety and territorial integrity of the United States as well as to ensure that the Nation’s immigration laws are faithfully executed, I hereby order as follows.” (President Donald J. Trump, Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Improvements, 1/25/17)

• The Executive Order Included Directives To Begin Construction On A Southern Border Wall. “Secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism… remove promptly those individuals whose legal claims to remain in the United States have been lawfully rejected, after any appropriate civil or criminal sanctions have been imposed.” (President Donald J. Trump, Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Improvements, 1/25/17)

• The Executive Order Included Directives To Begin The Removal Of Illegal Immigrants Who Have Committed Crimes. “…detain individuals apprehended on suspicion of violating Federal or State law, including Federal immigration law, pending further proceedings regarding those violations …remove promptly those individuals whose legal claims to remain in the United States have been lawfully rejected, after any appropriate civil or criminal sanctions have been imposed.” (President Donald J. Trump, Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Improvements, 1/25/17)

Sanctuary Cities Funding: On January 25th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Enhance The Public Safety Of The Interior The United States Through Enforcement Of Immigration Laws. “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.), and in order to ensure the public safety of the American people in communities across the United States as well as to ensure that our Nation’s immigration laws are faithfully executed, I hereby declare the policy of the executive branch to be…” (President Donald J. Trump, Enhancing Public Safety In The Interior Of The United States, 1/25/17)

• The Executive Order Included The Directive To Strip Federal Funding For Sanctuary Cities And Other Areas That Do Not Follow U.S. Immigration Law.” “Ensure that jurisdictions that fail to comply with applicable Federal law do not receive Federal funds, except as mandated by law.” (President Donald J. Trump, Enhancing Public Safety In The Interior Of The United States, 1/25/17)

New Hiring To Enforce Immigration: Secretary Of Homeland Security John Kelly Issued A Memorandum Directing The Director Of Immigration And Customs Enforcement To Hire 10,000 Agents And Officers As Quickly As Possible. “To enforce the immigration laws effectively in the interior of the United States in accordance with the President’s directives, additional ICE agents and officers are necessary. The Director of ICE shall-while ensuring consistency in training and standardstake all appropriate action to expeditiously hire 10,000 agents and officers, as well as additional operational and mission support and legal staff necessary to hire and support their activities. Human Capital leadership in CBP and ICE, in coordination with the Under Secretary for Management and the Chief Human Capital Officer, shall develop hiring plans that balance growth and interagency attrition by integrating workforce shaping and career paths for incumbents and new hires.” (Secretary John Kelly, “Memorandum for Enforcement Of The Immigration Laws To Serve The National Interest,” Department of Homeland Security, 2/20/17)

• Secretary Of Homeland Security John Kelly Issued A Memorandum Directing The Commissioner Of CBP To Hire An Additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents. “CBP has insufficient agents/officers to effectively detect, track, and apprehend all aliens illegally entering the United States. The United States needs additional agents and officers to ensure complete operational control of the border. Accordingly, the Commissioner of CBP shallwhile ensuring consistency in training and standards- immediately begin the process of hiring 5,000 additional Border Patrol agents, as well as 500 Air & Marine Agents/Officers, subject to the availability of resources, and take all actions necessary to ensure that such agents/officers enter on duty and are assigned to appropriate duty stations, including providing for the attendant resources and additional personnel necessary to support such agents, as soon as practicable.” (Secretary John Kelly, “Memorandum For Implementing The President’s Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Improvements Policies,” Department of Homeland Security, 2/20/17)

Prioritizing Criminal Immigration Enforcement And Hiring More Immigration Judges: On April 11th 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions Announced The Prioritization Of Criminal Immigration Enforcement And The Hiring Of More Immigration Judges. “In his remarks, the Attorney General announced that he has issued the attached memo to United States Attorneys that mandates the prioritization of criminal immigration enforcement. The memo directs federal prosecutors to focus on particular offenses that, if aggressively charged and prosecuted, can help prevent and deter illegal immigration. Additionally, the Attorney General revealed that the Department of Justice will add 50 more immigration judges to the bench this year and 75 next year. He also highlighted the Department’s plan to streamline its hiring of judges, reflecting the dire need to reduce the backlogs in our immigration courts.” (Department Of Justice, “Attorney General Jeff Sessions Announces The Department Of Justice’s Renewed Commitment To Criminal Immigration Enforcement,” 4/11/17)


Commission On Opioid Crisis: On March 29th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order Establishing The President’s Commission On Combating Drug Addiction And The Opioid Crisis. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order Establishing the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis,” 3/29/17)

Protecting Law Enforcement Officers: On February 9th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Prevent Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, And Local Law Enforcement Officers. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers,” 2/9/17)

Task Force On Violent Crime: On February 9th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Direct The Attorney General To Establish A Task Force On Crime Reduction And Public Safety. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On A Task Force On Crime Reduction And Public Safety,” 2/9/17)

Tackling International Cartels: On February 9th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order To Instruct The Attorney General To Form A Comprehensive Approach To Transnational Criminal Organizations And International Traffickers. (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On Enforcing Federal Law With Respect To Transnational Criminal Organizations And Preventing International Trafficking,” 2/9/17)


HBCU Initiative: On February 28th 2017, The President Signed An Executive Order That Repositioned And Strengthened The HBCU Initiative In The White House. “A White House Initiative on HBCUs would: advance America’s full human potential; foster more and better opportunities in higher education; strengthen the capacity of HBCUs to provide the highest-quality education; provide equitable opportunities for HBCUs to participate in Federal programs; and increase the number of college-educated Americans who feel empowered and able to advance the common good at home and abroad.” (The White House Press Office, “Presidential Executive Order On The White House Initiative To Promote Excellence And Innovation At Historically Black Colleges And Universities,” 2/27/17)

Canada-United States Council For The Advancement Of Women Entrepreneurs: On February 13th 2017, The President And Prime Minister Trudeau Hosted A Roundtable With Women Entrepreneurs To Announce The Launch Of The Canada-United States Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs. (The White House Press Office, “Remarks By President Trump And Prime Minister Trudeau Of Canada In Roundtable With Women Entrepreneurs,” 2/13/17)

Promoting Women In Entrepreneurship Act: H.R. 255 — Promoting Women In Entrepreneurship Act Authorizes “The National Science Foundation To Encourage Its Entrepreneurial Programs To Recruit And Support Women To Extend Their Focus Beyond The Laboratory And Into The Commercial World.” “(Sec. 3) This bill amends the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act to authorize the National Science Foundation to encourage its entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.” (H.R. 255)

Women And Space Exploration: H.R. 321 – Inspiring The Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, And Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act. “(Sec. 3) This bill directs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to encourage women and girls to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), pursue careers in aerospace, and further advance the nation’s space science and exploration efforts through support of the following initiatives: NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS; Aspire to Inspire; and Summer Institute in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Research. (Sec. 4) NASA shall submit to Congress a specified plan on how NASA can best facilitate and support both current and retired astronauts, scientists, engineers, and innovators, including early career female astronauts, scientists, engineers, and innovators, to engage with K-12 female STEM students and inspire the next generation of women to consider participating in STEM fields and to pursue careers in aerospace.” (H.R. 321)


Nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch To The United States Supreme Court. “Today, President Donald J. Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. The nomination of Judge Gorsuch comes after a selection process marked by an unprecedented level of transparency and involvement by the American voters.” (White House Office Of The Press Secretary, 1/31/17)

• On April 10th 2017, The President Gave Public Remarks At The Swearing-in Of Justice Gorsuch To The Supreme Court. (The White House Press Office, “Remarks By President Trump And Justice Gorsuch At Swearing-In Of Justice Gorsuch To The Supreme Court,” 4/10/17)

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