Bipartisan group wants clean spending bill to avoid shutdown

A group of 40 congressional Democrats and Republicans said Monday they will support a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown if that budget comes without any partisan strings attached.

The Problem Solvers Caucus announced their official position to support a “clean” spending bill with approval from more than 75% of the bipartisan group — a measure meant to help expedite the process of pushing the bill through Congress.

Fights over money to pay for a border wall — as well as Obamacare subsidies and an infusion of resources for the military — are threatening to trip up congressional talks over a funding bill to head off a government shutdown Friday.

“The American people are looking for leaders who come together to solve problems and get things done, and that’s exactly what our Problem Solvers Caucus is doing by working across the aisle to avoid a government shutdown,” said New Jersey Democrat Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a caucus co-chair.

“Ideological litmus tests on a spending bill like this simply create partisan roadblocks,” he added. “With so many pressing issues facing our country, we need to work together to keep the lights on and avoid another expensive shutdown that weakens not only our economy but our national security.”

“I care deeply that we must always put country over party when it comes to governing in Washington DC,” said New York Republican Rep. Tom Reed, the other caucus co-chair.

“This is why the Problem Solvers Caucus is locking arms to close the ideological divide and prove that we are true representatives of the people, both diverse and American at the same time,” he said.

White House officials said late Sunday that they did not want the government to shut down over any impasse in the spending talks — and that’s a directive straight from the President.

Top administration officials explained to the President this weekend that the most likely scenario is a stopgap bill that would last a week or so until a deal is reached.

“There’s no interest in a shutdown,” an official said, adding they will “do what it takes” to avoid one.

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