5 things for Monday, April 24: France, North Korea, Trump, Afghanistan

Astronaut Peggy Whitson just set a record for most days in space. This morning she talks to the President. Here’s what else you need to know today to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.)

1. French elections

French voters tossed aside the establishment in the country’s presidential election. In the first round of voting, far-right leader Marine Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron came out on top, and they’ll face off in the runoff vote on May 7. These two outsiders couldn’t be more different.

Macron’s not attached to a major party and has never held elected office. Le Pen leads the National Front, a party with a troubled history of xenophobia and racism. Most observers think Macron will beat Le Pen, but remember, most folks thought Hillary Clinton would easily beat Donald Trump too. In fact, the two races have a whole host of truly frightening similarities. Here’s a primer we put together about what these elections mean for the EU, the US and the rest of the world.  

2. North Korea

China has a message for the US and North Korea: everybody calm down. Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone chat with President Trump, urging against “provocative actions” as tensions heat up on the peninsula. Things were hot this weekend. The North detained a US citizen as he was about to leave the country. And it also threatened to sink a US aircraft carrier conducting drills in the region. China is key to finding a peaceful solution because it’s pretty much the only friend North Korea has in the world.

3. White House

Everybody’s back in Washington from spring recess and the first order of business is to keep the government from shutting down. President Trump’s put the word out that he doesn’t want to mark his 100th day in office (which he’ll celebrate Saturday with a big rally in Pennsylvania) with a shutdown. So, at the very least, a short-term spending bill will probably be voted on by Friday that’ll give everyone a chance to hammer out a longer-term deal. The President will pump out a ton of executive orders this week too, but don’t hold your breath on that GOP health care bill surfacing just yet. 

4. Afghanistan

Defense Secretary James Mattis visits Afghanistan today, just days after a Taliban raid that killed as many as 140 Afghan soldiers. The Taliban launched the attack on Friday to apparently avenge the deaths of two of its so-called “shadow governors” in the region. The assault was a brutal one, with witnesses saying the Taliban attacked soldiers just after they said their prayers, “firing at anyone who came in front of them.”

5. Retail stores

No, it’s not your imagination. Your favorite retail stores are closing, and at a pretty good clip too. A new report predicts close to 9,000 stores will shut down this year. That compares with more than 6,000 stores closures in 2008, the worst year on record. The culprit? You already know what it is — the internet (and especially Amazon).


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Goodbye, Joanie

Actress Erin Moran — Richie Cunningham’s kid sister Joanie on “Happy Days — is dead at age 56.

Tough troopers

They’re just like any other Girl Scout troop. But what they don’t have is a home.

Only in Dubai

It’s a tower that looks like … a picture frame. No the UAE hasn’t run out of wacky architectural ideas just yet.

My hero

An NFL player got a note from fellow passengers on a plane, but they didn’t want an autograph. They said thanks for setting a good example for their son.

A little something extra with breakfast

A brand of frozen hash browns is being recalled because it may contain pieces of golf balls. No, really.


The number of goals soccer superstar Lionel Messi has scored for Barcelona. No. 500 was a game winner against rival Real Madrid.


Friends forever

Cuteness alert! A baby, a boxer and bubbles. Enjoy. (Click to view)

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