Samuel L. Jackson backs Jon Ossoff in new radio ad

A new radio ad in support of congressional candidate Jon Ossoff features actor Samuel L. Jackson calling on voters to “stop Donald Trump” by voting for the Democrat in Georgia’s special election on Tuesday.

“Stop Donald Trump, the man who encourages racial and religious discrimination, and sexism,” Jackson says in the ad, put out by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

“Remember what happened the last time people stayed home,” Jackson adds. “We got stuck with Trump. We have to channel the great vengeance and furious anger we have for this administration into votes at the ballot box.”

The ad, aimed at turning out black voters, will run on urban radio stations in the Atlanta market starting Saturday and continuing through Tuesday.

Ossoff is running in a heated race to fill Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price’s vacant congressional seat in Georgia’s 6th district. Some of Ossoff’s Republican opponents have tried to cast him as an outsider who has been propped up by liberals in Washington and Hollywood.

Here’s the ad:

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