Pro-Trump nonprofit, with new leadership, launches ad campaign

The beleaguered nonprofit once intended to be the central outside group to boost President Donald Trump is jumpstarting a new television campaign now that it has new leadership at the helm.

America First Policies on Monday will begin spots in at least eight states, according to media buying sources, and have hundreds of thousands of dollars behind it, suggesting the nonprofit now is on firmer financial and structural footing.

The nonprofit is being closely scrutinized for signs of life after it failed to collect early money from donors and was beset by infighting. But it has been since taken over by Katie Walsh, Trump’s former deputy chief of staff and an accomplished party fundraiser.

The 30-second ads will air in at least Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

Several other groups have sought to position themselves as the main pro-Trump group, including one backed by the Mercer family of New York.

The group did not respond to a request for comment.

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