George W. Bush talks Trump’s inauguration, his poncho difficulties

Former President George W. Bush is known for speaking his mind, but he’s playing coy on his assessment of President Donald Trump’s inaugural address.

The former president was asked about a New York Magazine report that he said “that was some weird s***” as he left the dais following the January speech.

“If I said it, I don’t remember it,” Bush told NPR in an interview that aired Thursday. “But I’m glad I went to the inauguration. You know, it’s really a beautiful experience to watch the peaceful transfer of power.”

Pressed on whether the blunt characterization accurately described his reaction, the country’s 43rd president responded: “You know, I just don’t remember … but what should characterize my reaction is the beautiful experience.”

Bush also addressed another inauguration moment — his struggle to put on his rain poncho.

“I wish that I’d gotten the rain poncho on a little more cleanly,” Bush told NPR’s David Greene. “My daughters were aghast. ‘Dad, you’re a national tweet sensation’ or whatever they say. ‘You’re trending,’ or whatever the words are.”

“And I said, ‘I don’t know what the heck that means,'” Bush added. “But then I saw the pictures and I can see why I was trending.”

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