Engineer builds robot to burn Trump’s tweets

President Donald Trump’s tweets irritated a robotics engineer so much that he built a robot to burn each and every one of them.

David Neevel’s red robot prints out each tweet on a piece of paper then switches on a lighter, burns it and dispenses the flaming remainders into an ashtray. Neevel has filmed and documented the entire process on Twitter.

Neevel shares each tweet-burning video on the the “@burnedyourtweet” Twitter account, along with a message tweeted to @realDonaldTrump that says, “I burned your tweet.”

The engineer, who is currently working as a freelancer in the Netherlands, told CNN’s Jeanne Moos the tweet-burning is a cathartic experience.

“It’s a way to laugh through this, hopefully,” he said.

“How often do you empty the ashtray?” Moos asked.

“About once a day,” Neevel said.

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