Hoyer: Nunes should resign from intelligence committee

The second-ranking House Democrat said that embattled Rep. Devin Nunes should not just recuse himself from the intelligence committee’s investigation into Russia, but resign from the committee altogether.

Steny Hoyer, the House minority whip, said it would be “in the best interest of getting to the bottom of the truth” if Nunes were to step down from the leadership post. Nunes is facing criticism for how he’s managed the probe into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, with some Democrats saying the GOP representative’s support for President Donald Trump is tainting the investigation.

“Mr. Nunes has simply disqualified himself, and many of his Republican colleagues think that as well,” Hoyer told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront.” Nunes “has acted as an advocate of the President’s position rather than as a dispassionate person who could oversee a fair inquiry.”

The only Democrat who ranks higher than Hoyer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, has merely called for Nunes to recuse himself from the investigation.

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