‘Daily Show’ launching Trump tweet library

President Donald Trump is getting a “presidential library” courtesy “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.”

“The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library” is being billed by Comedy Central as “the first of its kind, showcasing our Commander in Chief’s preferred vessel for communicating with the public, his Twitter feed.”

Comedy Central insists this is not a joke and the library will be located in New York City where it will be free and open to the public.

But judging by how yuge-ly they are selling it, perspective visitors probably shouldn’t get their hopes up that it will be like traditional presidential libraries.

Especially since it will only be open temporarily.

“It will be so tremendous that you’ll get tired of the tremendousness, so it will then close only a few days later,” according to a Comedy Central press release. “Sad!”

The “library” will open in June and the network is promising more details to come.

For now we know the “exhibit will feature a fully interactive and hands-on experience for hands of all sizes, giving patrons the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to memorialize and celebrate the many ‘unpresidented’ moments of President Trump’s Twitter history.”

Trump may go down in history as the Tweeter-In-Chief though not everyone is a fan.

A new Twitter account recently launched whose sole purpose appears to be burning Trump’s tweets – literally.

The Burned Your Tweet account says it is “Giving Trump’s tweets the attention they deserve” and features videos of a robot that sets fire to print outs of the president’s tweets.

In the less than 48 hours from the first tweet sent, the account had already attracted almost 10,000 followers.

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