Nunes: House intel committee invites Comey to testify

House Intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Tuesday he has invited FBI Director James Comey to testify again before House investigators.

Nunes did not say when he expected Comey to testify, only that he had extended the formal invitation.

Nunes originally planned to have Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers testify in private Tuesday, but he canceled the meeting Monday.

Comey’s second round of testimony touched off a partisan fight among House investigators into Russia’s meddling in the US election, with Democrats saying they were angry Nunes canceled a public hearing with former intelligence officials, including former acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Tuesday that Yates had been preparing to answer questions about phone calls between former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian officials.

Schiff said he only wanted Comey to testify if it was not behind closed doors.

“We certainly welcome the director to come back, but not in lieu of a public hearing,” Schiff said.

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