Ivanka Trump to take summer coding class with daughter

Ivanka Trump revealed Tuesday she’s going back to school.

Speaking to middle school students at an event encouraging young women to pursue STEM education, Trump said she and her 5-year-old daughter will take a coding class together this summer.

“As a mom, I am trying to do my part, as well. My daughter, Arabella, and I are enrolling in a coding class this summer,” Trump said at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. “We’re excited to learn this incredibly important new language together. Coding truly is the language of the future. “

The first daughter made her first formal on-camera remarks since her father took office in a museum theater ahead of a screening of “Hidden Figures,” the 2016 Oscar-nominated film that tells the story of three African-American women at NASA that helped launch the first astronauts into orbit.

The speech comes as she is moving into an office in the West Wing and obtaining security clearance, signs of her increasing role in the Trump administration.

Trump touted her father’s commitment to the space program, expanding NASA’s space exploration program and adding Mars as a key objective. She encouraged the young women to pursue careers in STEM fields, asking those in the audience to raise their hands if they were interested science, technology, engineering or math.

“Your response fills me with incredible hope. Today’s statistics, though, not so much. Women make up 48% of the workforce but only 24% of stem professionals,” she said. “I dare you to beat these statistics.”

On the campaign trail and at her namesake apparel and accessories brand, Trump made women and girls’ empowerment a signature issue. She’s participated in round table discussions on the topic at the White House and helped establish the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders and Female Entrepreneurs last month, along with her father and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“Women’s participation in STEM, where so many of the jobs of the future will come from, is critical in the fight for wage equality and for the empowerment of women in the economy,” she told the students Tuesday.

She encouraged the young men in the audience to do their part, as well.

“I’m going to give you a call to action. I’m going to urge you to empower your female classmates and support them along the way,” she said.

Trump was joined at the event by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Before the screening, the two toured exhibits with some of the female students.

“American innovations have transformed the world. From the light bulb to the smartphone, America leads by example, and you can continue to move the needle in favor of greater innovation. You are the next generation of innovation. You are the future and the future is in your very capable hands,” Trump said.

Trump spoke alongside DeVos, as well as representatives from the Air and Space Museum and NASA Astronaut Kay Hire.

Her father’s proposed 2018 budget eliminates NASA’s $115 million Office of Education. Per the budget, the elimination will “(result) in a more focused education effort through NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.”

As the special guests left the theater, the students were tasked with a coding activity. Trump jumped in, watching as one of the students slid zeroes and ones across a keychain.

“I think you nailed it,” Trump said.

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