Sen. Lindsey Graham signals support for nuclear option if Democrats filibuster Gorsuch vote

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday he would be willing to use the so-called nuclear option if Democrats filibuster President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch.

Senate rules currently require 60 votes for Gorsuch’s nomination to be approved. Changing those rules using the nuclear option would require only a simple majority.

“Whatever it takes to get him on the court, I will do,” the South Carolina Republican told “The Mike Gallagher Show,” when asked about the nuclear option.

Graham added, “If my Democratic colleagues choose to filibuster this guy, then they will be telling me that they don’t accept the election results — 306 electoral votes — that they’re trying to delegitimize President Trump, and that’s not right and we would have to change the rules to have the Supreme Court like everybody else.”

Graham said he hoped that they would not have to change Senate rules.

“I hope that we can get 60 votes and not change 200 plus years of history,” said Graham. “But I will do whatever’s necessary, but I’ve been a pretty balanced guy and enough is enough.”

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