Cabinet member’s anti-Trump tweet inadvertently sent by employee

Whoops. The Transportation Department said Wednesday an employee inadvertently posted a tweet under Secretary Elaine Chao’s name urging a Democratic member of Congress to sue President Donald Trump.

Rep. Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, tweeted on Tuesday, “Get ready for impeachment,” an apparent reference to Trump. Chao’s offical account responded Wednesday: “SUE HIS VERY SOUL MAXINE!!!”

But according to a Transportation Department spokesperson, the tweet was “posted by an employee with access to the account” who “took action outside of his scope of work and duties and without any approvals.”

“We are taking appropriate action,” the spokesperson said. “We regret that this transpired and have taken steps to prevent any future occurrence.”

The tweet has since been deleted.

Chao, who Trump tapped as transportation secretary in November 2016, is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has made clear that he is not a fan of Twitter, especially when used by the President, who tweets prolifically.

“Am I a fan of all the tweets? Use your imagination,” McConnell said in February.

The majority leader said Tuesday that he thinks Trump’s use of Twitter “takes us off message.”

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