Roger Stone responds to Comey hearing, says claims of Russia collusion are ‘manufactured by the intelligence service’

In a radio interview Monday, Roger Stone said that mentions of him at a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 election amounted to “red-baiting and “fear mongering.”

In a series of questions posed to FBI Director James Comey, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff repeatedly referenced some of Stone’s public statements during the campaign, specifically his contact with the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” who has claimed responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee last year. US intelligence officials believe Guccifer 2.0 to be a front for Russian intelligence.

“Chairman Schiff is engaging in the worst kind of red baiting, fear mongering, it’s the new McCarthyism, and it’s mudslinging,” Stone said on SiriusXM radio’s “The Wilkow Majority.” “Any inference that my brief and now totally public exchange with Crufficer (sic) 2, who is alleged to be a Russian asset, is A) benign in its content, and more importantly, takes place at a time after the hacking and publication of the DNC documents by WikiLeaks.”

Stone said it was not known at the time that the hacker Guccifer was involved with the Russians and that his conversation with the hacker was “benign.”

“This is does not constitute collusion,” he said.

“I had no contact with Russians. This one has been manufactured by the intelligence service with an assist from Soros and Brock,” Stone added. “I’m not gonna stop fighting for Donald Trump, nor are they going to silence me. I am anxious to go to the committee. Let’s see if they can handle the truth.”

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