Health care battle continues; 2 more confirmation hearings; Starbucks’ shareholders meeting

1. The battle over health care continues: This week, health care is expected to be the hottest topic once again. On Friday, Donald Trump met with Republican legislators and said he was open to changes to the Republicans’ health care bill currently being considered by Congress.

The bill, called the American Health Care Act, has been criticized from both sides of the aisle. Conservative Republicans, including Republican Senators Tom Cotton and Rand Paul have said the bill is too similar to the Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare) that the GOP has pledged to repeal and replace. Democrats, meanwhile, object to the plan on the grounds that it will make heath care potentially unaffordable for tens of millions of Americans.

A vote is likely to be held in the House next week. It could be much more difficult to pass the bill in the Senate, though, where the Republican majority is much slimmer.

2. SEC chair and Labor secretary confirmation hearings: On Thursday, the Senate will hold a hearing to consider Jay Clayton for chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clayton is a controversial pick for the job because of his connections to Wall Street, including advising Goldman Sachs on its government bailout. The SEC chair’s main job is to serve as a Wall Street watchdog, so Clayton’s experience on Wall Street is seen as a negative by those who want stricter regulation.

Hearings for Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta will begin Wednesday. Trump selected the former National Labor Relations Board member after the president’s original pick, Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. CEO Andy Puzder, pulled out.

3. Starbucks shareholders gather: Investors in the coffee giant will meet on Wednesday in Seattle. It has been an interesting few months for Starbucks: A new mobile-ordering system has pleased devotees, but the company has also faced some political backlash for CEO Howard Schultz’s commitment to hiring 10,000 refugees. That plan was announced after President Donald Trump signed his controversial travel ban orders.

Starbucks shares have been down over the past month. Some analysts attribute the drag on Starbucks’ stock price to Trump supporters’ efforts to boycott the company. Schultz has dismissed the impact of those boycotts.

4. Coming this week:

Monday — Nike, FedEx and General Mills earnings reports; hearings for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch

Tuesday — Billionaire survey released by Wealth X

Wednesday — Existing home sales report

Thursday — New home sales report

Friday — Durable goods orders report

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