Cops want to find the awful person who tortured a cat with hot glue

People across the world have sent in donations to help catch the person responsible for what Utah shelters officials call "one of the worst cases of animal abuse."

People across the world have sent in donations to help catch the person responsible for what Utah shelters officials call “one of the worst cases of animal abuse.”

Sage the cat returned home earlier this month with multiple broken bones, including all 10 of his toes on his front paws and the metatarsal in his back leg.

His owners, who had just let their pet out to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air, were horrified to find the cat had also been burned with hot glue on his genitals, body and face. He died soon afterward.

Pictures of the cat’s injuries struck a cord and animal lovers around the world began making donations.

The Humane Society of Northern Utah paid for all of Sage’s medical expenses, so contributions will be added to a reward to find the person responsible for Sage’s torture, or to help animals in future abuse cases.

So far, more than $50,000 has been raised for the reward and $20,000 for the Sage Friend Memorial Fund.

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