House taking a snow day with snowstorm looming

House lawmakers will get a snow day Tuesday after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy canceled planned votes, citing the snowstorm expected to hit Washington Monday night.

“Members are advised that due to the large number of flight cancellations around the country, votes are no longer expected in the House on Tuesday, March 14,” McCarthy’s office wrote in an advisory to lawmakers. “Thank you for your understanding and safe travels.”

It’s not clear yet whether the Senate will stay open Tuesday, although the Senate Appropriations Committee delayed a hearing set for Tuesday and Senate staff alerted all staff and press to move their cars from Senate parking spots so plows can come through.

Senate parking staff warned, “Please be advised that snow removal efforts may result in your vehicle being ‘snowed in’; accommodations for digging vehicles out will not be offered.”

Washington and much of the Northeast is expected to get hit with snowstorm beginning later Monday evening. Washington could get up to eight inches of snow through Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service.

Lawmakers have a big week ahead, with another markup of the Republican health care bill scheduled for Wednesday, the pending release of a Congressional Budget Office “score” of the bill’s impact and a handful of deadlines for responses to lawmakers investigating Russia’s interference in the US elections.

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