Health care bill gets a price tag; Fed weighs rate hike; SXSW buzz

1. CBO drops health care bill score: The messy business of making health care policy enters week two — and it’s sure to be as hectic as the first.

The Congressional Budget Office is expected to issue its cost analysis of the House Republicans’ Obamacare repeal bill on Monday. The White House and congressional Republicans are already downplaying the importance of the score. Subpar results could hinder efforts to fast-track the legislation through both houses on Capitol Hill.

The plan has come under fire from both sides of the aisle since it debuted Monday. Conservative groups and industry stakeholders have voiced their opposition. Republican senators say it probably can’t pass their chamber. And Democrats, of course, oppose any partisan efforts to dismantle their flagship Affordable Care Act.

2. Fed rate hike? Markets seem to think it’s a given that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates Wednesday.

Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen has said the Fed will move on a March rate hike if the economy stays on track. Friday’s robust jobs report has made a bump all but certain.

The Fed last raised rates in December — only the second time it’s done so in about a decade. Most Fed leaders have forecast three or more rate hikes in 2017.

3. Revised travel ban goes into effect: President Trump’s revised order limiting travel from six Muslim-majority nations goes live on Thursday.

The scene at U.S. airports will probably be more orderly. But noise surrounding the ban’s second iteration is ramping up. A federal judge will hear a lawsuit filed by Hawaii on Wednesday. Washington, Minnesota, Massachusetts, New York and Oregon are also asking a federal judge to block it.

More than 100 companies supported the legal fight against Trump’s initial order. Many executives have maintained their opposition this go-round. That’s particularly true in the tech industry, in which hiring immigrants is common practice.

4. SXSW melee: Big ideas mega-conference South by Southwest kicked off in Austin, Texas, on Friday, and the action continues throughout the week.

Tech and media luminaries will rub elbows with a diverse cross-section of influencers at the event’s panels and parties. Representatives from Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, Lyft will all be in attendance.

5. Coming this week:

Monday – CBO releases score for House Republicans’ health care bill

Tuesday – Fed meeting kicks off

Wednesday – Fed expected to announce rate hike; Labor secretary hearing; U.S. debt ceiling suspension expires

Thursday – Trump travel ban takes effect; OMB releases spending cut proposals

Friday – Steven Mnuchin attends G20 meeting

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