A breakfast bargain: GOP rep serves up Waffle House enticement to Dems on Obamacare

Republicans have been trying to flip Democrats on their health care bill for days.

But on Thursday, a bleary-eyed GOP congressman added breakfast at Waffle House to try to entice his colleagues across the aisle to lump all of their amendments to the Republicans’ Obamacare repeal bill into one vote to speed things up.

“The chair would point out that it’s dawn,” Texas Rep. Joe Barton, the vice chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, said shortly before 7 a.m. ET.

“If the minority would be willing to move all their amendments in block and accept a no-vote on a voice vote, and if the majority would accept the Barton-Blackburn-Hudson amendment, we could end this and I will buy Waffle House for everyone in the committee,” Barton said.

The offer was met with laughter — and instantly rejected.

“Can’t do it,” one Democrat in the room replied.

“Worth a shot,” Barton said jokingly.

The light-hearted moment followed a long overnight session, where Democrats flooded their colleagues across the aisle with amendments to the bill, including one to change its title from “American Health Care Act” to the “Republican Pay More for Less Care Act.”

The bill cleared its first hurdle Wednesday night as the House Ways and Means committee approved it following a grueling 18-hour session.

Following Barton’s attempted breakfast bargain, members of the committee ended up settling for Dunkin Donuts instead.

“Thank you @WhipHoyer, Senator @maziehirono @WaysMeansCmte & others for coffee & breakfast as we approach 24 hours of #GOPrepeal bill markup,” committee Democrats tweeted.

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