The question asked every International Women’s Day

Ivanka Trump sends out a tweet recognizing International Women's Day on March 8, 2017.

One of the most stalwart traditions of International Women’s Day is when a bunch of people post up and start asking when International Men’s Day is.

For real:

Good news if you were actually inquiring (bad news if you were just trying to whine): There is an International Men’s Day. It is November 19!

And no, International Men’s Day is not just a bunch of guys getting together to grouse about how there is an International Women’s day on the other side of the calendar. That’s what Twitter is for! It’s a legitimate movement that took shape in the ’90s and addresses social challenges men face like high suicide rates, high instances of workplace death, high incarceration rates, violence and a myriad of potentially damaging childhood influences.

The betterment of any gender benefits all genders, and some recent IMD themes have paralleled this idea: 2015’s theme, for instance, was the expansion of reproductive options for men, and consistent themes of the day include family life and ways that men can positively impact their community.

So now you know. Anyway, here’s more about International Women’s Day.

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