Ivanka Trump is a walking billboard for Ivanka Trump

Who can forget last month when President Donald Trump’s senior adviser, Kellyanne Conway, made a knee-jerk quip defending Ivanka Trump’s clothing line during a live TV interview?

“Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would say,” said Conway to Fox News. “I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”

The first daughter’s designs had just been dropped by Nordstrom due to poor sales, which prompted Conway’s full-throated endorsement.

Backlash was swift. People cried ethics foul; White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Conway was “counseled” about her behavior. News stories questioned whether there was a clear violation of the rules against endorsing products from the White House. It was, in short, drama.

But while Conway suffered a public scolding, Ivanka Trump remained silent. And she has employed a more stealth plan for promoting her fashion line: She didn’t go on television, didn’t overtly promote, she didn’t shill — she simply wore.

In the past few weeks, Ivanka Trump has consistently worn her own label, adding a bag here, a shoe there, even teasing her upcoming Spring 2017 designs, before most were available in stores or online.

Like her father, it’s clear Ivanka Trump is a branding pro. Relying on a show-don’t-tell policy, her millions of social media followers have only grown with each post, and no one is questioning her ethics, or whether wearing her own fashion label is abuse of promotion powers — it’s just a matter of taste.

Decide for yourself. Here are several examples of Ivanka’s recent looks:

Supreme Court Jacket

Social post:


National Urban League pencil skirt

Social post:


Manufacturing CEO top



Governor’s Dinner open-toe sandals

Social post:


Marine One earrings



Orlando classroom satchel, skirt



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