It just got easier to find feminist films on IMDB

IMDB just made it easier to find films that contain the F-word — feminism.

The Internet Movie Database has added the “F-rating” to its list of search options.

The distinction is given to films that are directed and/or written by a woman, feature significant women on screen in their own right, or any combination of the aforementioned.

So far, over 21,000 films have been tagged, including movies like “Bridget Jones’s Baby” (2016), “Joy” (2015), and “Trainwreck” (2015).

The project is seemingly a work in progress, as films like “Rogue One” and “Hidden Figures” have not yet been given F-ratings on IMDB.

“The F-Rating is a great way to highlight women on screen and behind the camera,” IMDb boss Col Needham told the BBC.

The term was coined by the U.K.’s Bath Film Festival director Holly Tarquini in 2014, after she noticed less than 5% of that year’s top 250 films were directed by women.

She began using the F-rating alongside the typical forms of movie ratings at her festival, according to the campaign’s website. It has since been adopted by other festivals.

“It’s always exciting when new organisations [sic] decide they want to join us in shining a light both on the brilliant work women are doing in film and on how far the film industry lags behind most other industries when it comes to providing equal opportunities to women,” Tarquini said back in January. “But our real goal is to reach the stage when the F-Rating is redundant because 50% of the stories we see on screen are told by and about film’s unfairly under-represented half of the population: women.”

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