GOP Sen. Roy Blunt: House GOP health care plan ‘may not be a plan which can get a majority of votes to pass’

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said Tuesday that the House Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act may not be able to get a majority of votes to pass.

House Republicans released their plan on Monday. The plan has already received push back from conservatives who do not think it goes far enough to repeal measures in Obamacare, and has also raised concerns from some Republican senators that it would leave too many people uninsured.

“Well, I haven’t had time to look at it in great depth yet, so we’ll see,” Blunt said of the plan on KMBZ local radio Tuesday. “What I don’t like is it may not be a plan that gets a majority votes and let’s us move on. Because, we can’t stay where we are with the plan we’ve got now.”

Blunt said any final plan would need to be negotiated.

“I think the nucleus of the plan is clearly there and the President says it’s negotiable and so do House members,” he said. “So, I’ll be interested to be a part of that negotiation as we work toward a majority in the House and Senate that puts a bill on the President’s desk.”

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