First on CNN: Republican senators to ask Trump to step in on earmark fight

A group of Republican senators is writing to President Donald Trump Tuesday asking him to promise to veto any effort to revive earmarks, which allow lawmakers to direct money to specific programs and pet projects.

The request comes as House Republicans are debating reviving earmarks — a practice that Republicans banned in 2011, but has won favor among some in the House.

Sens. Jeff Flake, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, Mike Lee and Rand Paul will send the request to Trump in a letter obtained by CNN.

“Even with a full agenda that includes repealing Obamacare, reforming the tax code, easing the regulatory burden and strengthening our nation’s security, some lawmakers are focused on reviving the corrupt practice of earmarking that was ended in 2011 after what seemed like an endless series of corruption scandals,” the senators wrote. “We respectfully urge you to make it clear that you will veto any bill Congress sends to you containing earmarks within the legislative text or the accompanying report.”

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