Durbin: Trump’s Twitter usage ‘destroying’ credibility of office of the President

President Donald Trump’s Twitter usage is “destroying” the credibility of the office of the President, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin said Tuesday.

“Donald Trump is destroying the credibility of the Office of President 140 characters at a time,” the Illinois Democrat told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

“This charge that he has made about some wiretapping before the election without a scintilla of evidence has been refuted not only by the former president but the national head of intelligence and the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.”

CNN has reached out to the White House for a response.

But Trump has previously alleged via Twitter, without providing evidence, that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of his phones during the campaign.

After Trump asked Congress to investigate his claim, Durbin said Republicans are taking up Trump’s call to investigate to create a distraction from concerns about the Trump campaign.

“The Republicans in Congress still want to take this seriously. Why? So they can avoid a serious investigation, an independent, transparent investigation, of the Russian involvement in the last election,” he said.

House Republicans introduced a bill Monday that would scrap Obamacare’s individual mandate, a major pillar of the law, replacing it with refundable tax credits for individuals to purchase health insurance. It would also restructure Medicaid and defund Planned Parenthood.

But Durbin said the plan could ultimately hurt Americans.

“As you start looking at it more carefully and closely, we realize that millions of Americans will lose their health insurance, and many who will have health insurance will not have a policy that is as protective today as we have under the Affordable Care Act,” he said.

Durban said Republicans have not factored in the financial impact of their new health care plan.

“The Republicans, always the guardians of the national treasury, issued this report without any score and any determination of its impact on our budget deficit by the Congressional Budget Office,” he said.

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