Trump Tower climber pleads guilty

The Trump Tower climber agrees — his August scale up to the 21st floor of the Manhattan skyscraper was reckless.

Stephen Rogata, whose suction-cup stunt punctuated an already unusual presidential campaign, pleaded guilty on Monday to reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct, according to a spokesman for the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

As part of the deal, Rogata, 20, must complete mental health treatment and show enrollment in school or full-time employment for a year, the spokesman said.

He will not see jail time unless he violates the conditions of the plea, or is again arrested. If that happens, he could face a year behind bars on the reckless endangerment charge. If the conditions of the agreement are met, that charge, a misdemeanor, could be withdrawn, his attorney said.

“I think he’s very pleased with the prospect that this could be resolved without his having a criminal record,” said Paul Shechtman, the attorney.

The slow and steady climb up the glass headquarters of the then Republican nominee was broadcast live on the three cable news channels and drew millions of more views online. Rogata made it for three hours before he was grabbed through a window by NYPD special operations officers.

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